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Focus on human and societal evolution. Environmental challenges originating from a cognitive environment affect the epigenetics of ageing.




09.00 Registration

09.15 Introduction Marios Kyriazis, Yiannis Laouris

10.00 John Stewart, Melbourne, Australia: Intentional evolutionaries and the direction of evolution, (remote presentation)

10.20 Ilia Stambler, Bar Ilan University, Israel: The relation of Longevity Research and General Medicine - an Historical Overview

10.50 Alessandra Swiny, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Architecture at the University of Nicosia: Emergency Architecture. Design for ageing populations.

11.20 Manolis Stavrou, University of Cyprus:  on Epigenetic regulation

11.50 Paul Mason, Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, University of Sydney, Australia: Another stage of development: the vital role of degeneracy in healthy ageing (remote presentation)

12.10 Discussion

12.30-13.30 Lunch break

13.30 Fofi Constantinidou, Center for Applied Neurosciences, University of Cyprus: Clinical cognitive neuroscience in ageing humans

14.00 Ioannis Lestas University of Cambridge: Control of large scale systems, gene regulatory networks

14.30 Luis Ramos, University of St Catarina, Brazil: Internet use improves survival in older adults (remote presentation)

15.00 Chariklia Tziraki, Eco Culture Medicine, Israel: Social Genomics

15.30 Discussion panel

16.00 conclusion


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The Indispensable Soma Hypothesis, the Law of Requisite Usefulness, the Noeme, and all other material here are creations of Dr Marios Kyriazis. Copyright reserved 2016. This material may be reproduced anywhere as long as it is fully attributed to Marios Kyriazis or to this website. Some people just copy and paste my material to their own websites without proper attribution (I have examples!). This is not nice. If the material or idea is not yours, say so, and say who the author is. If you agree or disagree with something mentioned here and you want to discuss it, please contact me. 

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